Enabling the Serviceability of CPE

Enabling the Serviceability of CPE

Are you looking to improve your sustainability efforts by enabling the repair and refurbishment of Customer Premises Equipment? Failing to do so can result in loss of finances and an increased volume of products going to waste. More unused products increase the risk of environmental damage from your activities.

Ingram Micro Lifecycle works with CPE customers in an end-to-end process, from the design stage through the launch to end-of-life, and provides solutions that extend the lifecycles of equipment returns. We support many network providers and manufacturers with sustainable lifecycle management of CPE.

Below, we unveil the main ways to improve the serviceability of CPE to make network services more sustainable.

4 key touchpoints to improve CPE serviceability

There are four main stages where repair and refurbishment tactics of routers, set-top boxes, and other network equipment can be enhanced to improve their sustainable use.

It’s estimated that the volume of unused broadband routers in UK households could fill ten Olympic swimming pools. These could be destined for more sustainable outcomes if processed correctly.

Use a range of solutions that can be applied across models to get the most efficient outcomes. Be agile and innovative to create new approaches and solutions to get the best results.

1. Design

While the product or service is in the concept stage, services for repair and refurbishment can be factored in to influence the delivery. Using knowledge and expertise from within the industry and technicians to understand what works and what doesn’t work for the sustainability of CPE, the whole program can be designed from the outset with better environmental outputs in mind.

Planning and design workshops enable a space for collaborative discussion, bringing technical knowledge and awareness, to create a more sustainable product offering from the network provider or manufacturer.

2. Release

After the product launches into the market, data from returned products, or previously-issued models, can be fed into an early warning system. Information on common issues experienced with successful repair and refurbishment of CPE can be utilized back up the supply chain to course correct.

Technicians process faulty returned products to troubleshoot the issue and pinpoint the cause so this can be corrected in future production. This is particularly useful if there is a faulty batch or manufacturing issue.

This activity supports sustainability by using data to counter issues that may lead to unnecessary product waste.

3. Maturation

In the maturity stage of the lifecycle of CPE, products routinely come in for returns processing either due to upgrades or contract cancellations.

Rather than these products having no use and potentially going to waste, there’s ample opportunity to extend the lifecycle. Technicians can test and assess these to determine the suitable repair or refurbishment needed.

Harvesting parts and plastic covers from units that are no longer economically viable for refurbishment minimizes waste. Parts re-use is also a more cost-effective, environmentally-friendly solution to buying brand new parts. As fewer new parts are required, the pressure eases off manufacturing to produce new ones.

Extending the lifecycle of returned CPE enables the re-use of units up to 7 times, each avoiding buying new equipment and the creation of e-waste for landfills. Non-invasive practices don’t compromise the unit components.

Plastic parts, such as the exterior casing, should have particular consideration. Seek the best and easiest solution for refinishing these to limit plastic waste.

4. Post-contract

When CPE can no longer be re-used, harvest parts or seek greatest value recovery. Otherwise, where repair and refurbishment are feasible, the same practices used for in-contract returns should be deployed.

Extra value from 3PLs

There are certain value-added services and solutions to look out for if seeking a third-party logistics partner for your CPE repair and refurbishment.

The use of robotics and automation enables quicker processing at industrial speed with fewer errors from eliminated human biases. These also enable upscaling and mass application to increased volumes. Analysis and assessment decisions can be made much quicker without human intervention, speeding up routing processes. Robotics can also complete intricate, repetitive technical work that adds strain to the human workforce, creating a better environment for health and safety.

Innovation in non-intrusive and parts refurbishment that utilizes various technologies. This ensures greatest parts re-use with least waste, particularly plastics, at a lower cost than buying new parts.

Powerful business intelligence tools will provide live data that’s useful for the CPE provider or manufacturer to get insights on common use issues and inventory management.

Financial security to buy stock on behalf of the network provider. The partner owns the stock so the network operator can lease these, creating a lower financial burden for them, and freeing up their finances to other innovation and business development.

Improve the serviceability of your CPE

Throughout the lifecycle of different routers, set-top boxes, and other network equipment, there are many provider or manufacturer touchpoints where units can be repaired or refurbished. Taking advantage of these opportunities increases the serviceability of products, extends the lifecycle, and improves your sustainability efforts.

These stem right from before product inception through to the end of useful life. All these processes support the ESG objectives of both the manufacturer and the network provider.

Ingram Micro Lifecycle can be involved in the design phase, liaising with the customer on the design process, and advising during workshops about how the product can be made with repair and refurbishment scope built in from the outset. Up to 18 months before the product launch, we can help plan the router design based on customer feedback, industry insight, and technical knowledge.

Get in touch with us today so we can support making your CPE program more sustainable with our solutions that go beyond repair and refurbishment.

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